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Justin Janes
Nacido enWest Virginia
20 years
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Árbol Genealógico
Libro Conmemorativo
Mother of An Angel


Laura Lester
Justin, one of my favorite memories...and prolly one of the funniest is the day that you were at roma's and you were using the employees bathroom in the back and we didn't know it and i opened the door while i was talkin to my friends and you were in there and everyone started laughing and then i looked to see what they were laughin about and then slammed the door shut...i dont think we ever let you live that one down...or how everytime you came in there you always called me ''oh mighty princess goddess LAURA''. it was a joke that started between me, you, and tiff. and then it juss stuck... i miss you guys but i know that yall are in a better place and thats what helps me get through each and every day.
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